We are a partnership organization versus membership. What does that mean? It means that you can partner with us by giving of your time, your talents, or financially. We work with individuals who volunteer their time For example; our watering crews that water and care for the downtown flowers. We work with businesses who donate in-kind products and services specific to our programs and events. For example; many of our cleaning supplies are donated for our downtown cleanups. We have partners that give more traditionally, by financially sponsoring our events and donating to the organization as a whole to keep us ever moving toward our mission of a vibrant and prosperous downtown. We need and appreciate every kind of partnership and value all levels and styles of giving.

B & O supporters/program "Main Street Tax Credit"
B & O supporters/program "Main Street Tax Credit" A program that allows you to redirect your B&O tax to Prosser!
A program that allows you to redirect your B&O tax to Prosser!

A healthy, viable downtown is crucial to the heritage, economic health and civic pride of any community. The Historic Downtown Prosser Association is reliant on the support from our community to continue working towards our mission of maintaining a vibrant and prosperous downtown.