Who We Are

Historic Downtown Prosser (HDP) is a nonprofit organization formed in 2006 by community members dedicated to the preservation, enhancement, and revitalization of Prosser’s downtown core.


Our Mission

Create a vibrant and prosperous downtown.


Board Member – Volunteer Position

Historic Downtown Prosser is looking to fill a seat on the Board of Directors with a dedicated, passionate, and connected volunteer. The Board is legally and financially responsible for the organization and oversee the Executive Director. Each member of the Board of Directors is brought on after a partnership vote during the annual election each fall. The Board meets the second Monday of the month at 12 noon in the Historic Downtown Prosser office, 1230 Bennett Avenue. Each Board member must also be on a committee (listed below this position). To learn more about the Board of Directors, please email Executive Director, Melinda De Santo at director@historicprosser.com or call the office at (509) 786-2399.

Required Experience:

  • General knowledge of Historic Downtown Prosser
  • Must be 18 years or older

Helpful Experience:

  • Past Board experience
  • Past Historic Downtown Prosser volunteer experience
  • Fundraising
  • Marketing
  • Community development


  • Attend the majority of all Board meetings
  • Attend the majority of all committee meetings (the committee you select)
  • Donate time 4-10 hours a month and resources throughout the year through events and programming
  • Other contractual agreements will be discussed

Committee Member - Volunteer Positions

Historic Downtown Prosser is currently looking for volunteers for the following committees:

  • Promotions: Responsible for Promoting your downtown or neighborhood commercial district as the center of the community and hub of economic activity while creating a positive image that showcases your community’s unique characteristics, culture, history, and defining features. Effective promotional activities help change or enhance the image of your downtown, preserve its unique heritage, and support its reputation as a place for residents to shop, work, live, have fun, and invest. This committee meets on the first Monday of the month at 12:30 pm. Average time requirement per month: 2-5 hours. To join this committee, email the executive director at director@historicprosser.com
  • Organization: Responsible for creating a shared vision that converts the Main Street program’s mission into clear goals, defines the organization’s role in revitalizing the downtown or commercial corridor using an approach that fits the neighborhood, and builds structure for the board and staff. The organization also creates a strong foundation for sustainable revitalization by cultivating strong partnerships, community involvement, and resources. This committee meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 12 pm. Average time requirement per month: 2-5 hours. To join this committee, email the executive director at director@historicprosser.com
  • Design: Responsible for historic preservation, façade improvements, and overall improvements to downtown streetscapes. The design supports a community’s transformation by enhancing downtown's physical and visual elements while capitalizing on the unique assets that set the commercial district apart. This committee meets quarterly on the second Monday of the month (March, June, September, and December) at 11 am and/or as needed. Average time requirement per month: 2-5 hours. To join this committee, email the executive director at director@historicprosser.com
  • Economic Vitality Committee: Responsible for taking a proactive, collaborative approach to building and growing a diverse economic base through smart new investment, cultivating a robust ecosystem for small businesses, focusing on the unique assets of your community, and fostering equity and inclusion to create an environment to help build local wealth. This committee meets the second Monday of the month at 1:30 pm. Average time requirement per month: 2-5 hours. To join this committee, email the executive director at director@historicprosser.com
  • Creative District Committee: Coming Soon!

Helpful experience:

  • Working on a team
  • Event planning
  • Networking
  • Understanding of downtown
  • Understanding of Historic Downtown Prosser
  • Marketing / public relations
  • Fundraising


  • Attend the majority of committee meetings (being proactive about communicating absences)
  • Participating in projects, moving them along in and outside of meetings
  • Volunteer during project implementation or events throughout the year
  • Be kind, open to others’ ideas and feedback, and have fun!

Water Volunteers Needed

Beginning in May and running through the beginning of October, we are in need of volunteers to help water the downtown flowers. Crews of 2 spend 1-2 hours daily driving our watering truck around on given routes to make sure the large ground planters all have the water they need to withstand the hot sun and keep producing beautiful blooms! We have individuals that we pair up, families that do it together, and even organizations that take turns on a weekly or bi-weekly schedule that works for the volunteer. Let us know if you’d like to be trained and help keep the flowers thriving this summer! This is an early morning volunteer opportunity, as we need to water at 6:30 am. That is the best time for the flowers to get water before the heat of the day and also for the watering truck to get close to the planters to water, without parked cars in the way. 

Downtown Clean-up Volunteers Needed

Show your pride for OUR community by helping with Historic Downtown Prosser’s spring and fall clean-ups. We sweep, pull weeds, wipe down benches and garbage cans, pick up trash and generally dust off downtown so we look our best for residents and visitors alike.

You’ll need to bring your work gloves, brooms, and the family to help clean up downtown Prosser!