Fall Decorating Contest 2020 Theme: Mask-erade Scarecrows
It is time once again for Historic Downtown Prosser’s Fall decorating competition! We are ready to see scarecrows throughout the community. You do NOT have to be within the Historic Downtown to participate! While we prefer outdoor displays; you may have your display inside your place of business and/or utilize window space.
Kindly return the entry information by Friday, October 2nd in order to be included in the judging. Decorating needs to be completed by Friday, October 9th.
Historic Downtown must receive a photo via email by the October 9th deadline for use in online voting.
Judging will take place online between Sunday, October 11th and Tuesday, October 27th for people’s choice overall and for ‘best scarecrow’. A panel of judges will be selecting Historic Downtown Prosser’s downtown choice winner.
All winners will be announced by Friday, October 30th and the winners will receive their traveling trophy to proudly display for the year.