Meet the Artist – Allyson Leonhard
Our round 2 of Painted Ponies is nearing completion as the ponies are getting their clear coats on in preparation for their public unveiling SOON! We are excited to introduce our 9 artists who worked on this round of ponies.
Allyson Leonhard began drawing at age 3 or 4 and those first drawings were of horses!
Allyson finds painting to be relaxing and it takes her mind off of things. Her love of horses drew her into this project. Painting the pony has renewed Allyson’s artistic feelings and she wants to do more art.
Allyson loves to paint and make things. You can find her art inside the Princess Theatre, one of the murals in the Horse Heaven Saloon, murals on Adventures Underground in Richland and she and her husband, Herb, created the Sea Horse located near the Post Office in the first round of ponies.
Thanks for sharing your talent with Historic Downtown Prosser Allyson!