Meet the Artist – Breanna Broadie
Our round 2 of Painted Ponies is nearing completion as the ponies are getting their clear coats on in preparation for their public unveiling SOON! We are excited to introduce our 9 artists that worked on this round of ponies.
Breanna Broadie began painting at age 16 with water colors. She didn’t touch acrylics until her senior year of high school because she was too busy drawing with pen and ink. Her inspiration has always been challenging herself to tell a story and to expand her skills. She wants to learn every type of art!
Breanna enjoys the challenge of painting; it is a completely different process than pen and ink. She finds it invigorating as her mind puzzles out how to make the project come to life.
She was drawn to this project because she wants to be a bigger part of this amazing community and also wants to share her take on art. While doing her pony, she was doing some research and fell in love with how tight knit and supportive our community is. She is proud to be a part of that!
Breanna loves people and loves making her art for them. Her passion is creating something meaningful for the recipient. She is grateful to those who supported her and pushed her to pursue art and so she is passionate about encouraging young artists in all mediums to stretch and pursue what they love.
You can find Breanna’s work at, sprinkled in shops downtown and at the local Farmers Market on Saturday mornings.
Thanks for sharing your talent with Historic Downtown Prosser Breanna!