Meet the Artist – Cindy Rodriguez
Our round 2 of Painted Ponies is nearing completion as the ponies are getting their clear coats on in preparation for their public unveiling SOON! We are excited to introduce our 9 artists that worked on this round of ponies.
Cindy Rodriguez says she has always loved art! As a teenager she loved writing names and her mom would get mad that she was wasting her pens. Now that is called ‘lettering’ and is acceptable. She was ahead of the times! Cindy now does fun projects, like rock painting, signs for her house and enjoys face painting!
Cindy finds painting to be relaxing. She likes the fact that she can do whatever she wants, there is no right or wrong and if she doesn’t like it, she can simply start over. Her art becomes engrossing to the point of her forgetting any troubles.
This project was out of Cindy’s comfort zone a couple years ago. But with the support from her amazing family and her faith in God, she has gained confidence and pushed herself to JUST HAVE FUN!
You may be able to see Cindy’s work on rocks hidden around town. Or you can see her at the Farmers Market on Saturday morning and stop and get your face painted by her!
Thanks for sharing your talent with Historic Downtown Prosser Cindy!